Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Labor Day Holiday

Labor Day is upon us and that means the official end of summer. We will be closed on Monday, September 5th. Timesheets are due no later than 1pm on Tuesday, September 6th. Paychecks will be available on Thursday.

Don't forget our Holiday Pay Policy:
Completion of 1200 career hours, including overtime, will qualify you for paid holiday. You must work a minimum of 24 hours during the holiday work week and work the scheduled day before and day after the holiday.

Have a great holiday weekend and thanks for all you do!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dress Code: When is Business Casual too Casual

The topic of Dress Codes comes up for us all the time. With the wide variety of types of clients, dress codes are very different from place to place. What one company calls "Business Casual" another company would call "Professional" and another still considers jeans and t-shirts to be appropriate every day. DISCOVER STAFFING has even recently implemented a Casual Friday policy for our own office. However, when it comes to dress code there are always gray areas and boundary lines that should not be crossed. Yahoo Blogger Sarah B. Weir offers these insights into what bosses and co-workers really think when it comes to dressing for the office.

Kelly recommends that women have three separate wardrobes: one for the office, one for the weekend, and another for special occasions. While this might seem a little old school, she explains that fashion magazines like to mix casual and professional clothing, but the average person simply doesn't have the eye or the experience to combine styles in one outfit.

We talked to some managers and executives around the country about the worst wardrobe blunders, and bosses agree that conservative professional attire is still relevant today. It seems that looks can kill...your job prospects.

Go here to read the full article.

Cross Posted on our DISCOVER STAFFING Career Resource Center.