Starting with the second quarter of 2011, we decided to implement a casual Friday policy that allows us to pay $2 each Friday for the privilege of wearing jeans in the DISCOVER STAFFING office.
Last quarter we raised $72 for The Drake House, an emergency housing facility for homeless mothers and children in the North Fulton area. We were concerned that our meager funds wouldn't be much help but when we dropped off the money we were told any amount was a welcomed donation.
"Women and children entering The Drake House are offered a variety of support services to assist them in reaching self-sufficiency. Residents participate in a goal setting process and an empowerment plan. Initial goals include addressing medical needs of the family and the educational needs of the children. Onsite life skills classes are conducted every Monday evening on topics such as job readiness, personal finances, parenting skills, and health and wellness. An advocacy program provides encouragement, motivation, and support during the family’s stay."

"We rescue, foster and find permanent homes for Labrador, Golden, Chesapeake Bay, Flat Coated and Curly Coated Retrievers, as well as retriever mixes.
We’re a small group of volunteers that is growing everyday. Our philosophy is that volunteer work should be rewarding….and FUN!
And, our fantastic group of Dog Squad volunteers tell us that working with our lovable retrievers – as well as with each other – is both. Kinda like the feeling you get when you hug your dog"
Feel free to ask us about our Casual Fridays the next time you're in our office. Stay tuned for our Fourth Quarter Charity in October.