Friday, December 14, 2012

Holiday Notice


Because of the way the Christmas and New Year's holiday fall, pay days for those weeks will be on FRIDAY! Timesheets will need to be in the office no later than 12 noon on Wednesday of the holiday weeks.

So the next 3 pay pay dates are:

Thursday, December 20
Friday, December 28
Friday, January 4

Don't forget our Holiday Policy. To be paid for Christmas Day and New Year's Day you must have accrued 1200 career hours, work a minimum of 24 hours in the holiday week and work the scheduled day before and after the holiday. If a company is closed on Monday, we will not hold that day against you - you will just need to work Friday and Wednesday to qualify.

Christmas: The office will be closed at noon on December 24th and will re-open at 8am on Wednesday, December 26th.

New Years: The office will be closed at 3pm on December 31st and will re-open at 8am on Wednesday, January 2nd.

DISCOVER STAFFING wishes you and your family a safe and happy holiday season!